Dear Abby
(too old to reply)
2025-01-10 03:59:37 UTC
Dear Abby:

I have lived in NYC for the past twenty years. As many of you know,
there are a lot of Jewish people in the city. Many of them are good
friends of mine, but at the same time I have seen SOOOO many examples
of Jews being mega cheap. In very embarrassing ways.

I have seen:

Jews do whatever they could to not put in the amount they owed on a
group bar tab.

Jews not tip at a bar or restaurant (many many times).

Jews go out of their way to haggle over $1 with shop keepers.

In college I had often seen Jews fill their book bags with food from
the college cafeteria all you can eat section. One got called out by
an administrator and continued to do the same thing the next day.
(Fill book bag with apples, etc.)

Jewish friends shared a cab with me but only put in $4 toward the $25
ride. They threw the money at me and then ran out.

I was at a birthday lunch a few weeks back. Everyone owed $10 toward
the food and then money toward their own drinks. We also wanted to pay
for the birthday girl. A Jewish guy in the group was there with his
girlfriend. She only had the food and a cup of tea ($10 + $2 for tea +
$3 tip = $15). She left $20 (She had to go early so she gave her
Jewish boyfriend $20, $5 toward the birthday girl). When he paid, he
only paid $15 for her and pocketed the $5 extra! This guy makes $80k
per year.

Jewish person at a bar with some friends and I took 20 minutes to
decide between his favorite wine for $8 per glass or another wine for
$7. He went through the process of asking the bartender why one cost
$1 more than the other. After arguing with the bartender for 20
minutes he finally ordered the cheaper one he didn't like. Just to
save $1!!! He didn't tip.

A Jew asked how much it would be to add an egg to his dinner. It cost
$1 more. He argued with the waiter about how eggs only cost like 10
cents. He eventually got frustrated and didn't order anything. Over

It goes on and on.

Cheap clothes. etc.

One Jewish friend has no TV, no cable, no internet (steals from
neighbor) a 8+ year old laptop, lives in a dump, grills on a 20 year
old grill he found in his backyard when he moved in, never brings
gifts to parties, always eats as much as he can when people go in
together on something. It is crazy.

I don't mind much if a Jew is being cheap in a way that only hurts
him/herself, such as living in a dump. But when they try
to Jew people down, it is embarrassing. Especially when they make fine
money. It is like a game with many of them: Who can con the most money
out of people? It's embarrassing to be out somewhere with them.

The question is: Why are Jews so damn cheap?

Signed: Curious

Dear Curious:

Having grown up along with my twin sister in a Jewish household, I can
state unequivocally that cheapness is in the Jew DNA. It's a
hereditary trait; we can't help it

John McCue
2025-01-10 18:34:41 UTC
Follow-ups trimmed to comp.misc
<snip crap>

What does this have to do with comp.misc ?

Also, welcome to my killfile, you have the honor of being the
first person added to it since I cleared it out after google
groups posts where disabled by google. So you should be proud
of this meaningless accomplishment.

BTW, consider getting professional help, needing such help is
nothing to me ashamed about. The shame is not getting help.
[t]csh(1) - "An elegant shell, for a more... civilized age."
- Paraphrasing Star Wars
2025-01-10 20:17:44 UTC
Post by John McCue
Follow-ups trimmed to comp.misc
<snip crap>
What does this have to do with comp.misc ?
Absolutely nothing. It's a troll trolling. Although in this case they
took a timewarp back about 50 years and picked out a very old racial
insult to troll with.
