Post by Salvador MirzoPost by DBut I think that the majority of apps might run in that configuration. So if I
need an app, I get start my VM, do what I need to do, and then shut it down.
I suppose commerce itself can do that. For instance, someone could walk
in a store with cash and exchange it for a temporary credit card to be
used at the machines, say.
You know what I mean? Government offices can make their systems all
based on phone apps, but then people can walk in some place to use a
phone and get their bureaucracy done. It's your idea up there, but
instead of virtual machines, real phones instead. This will likely be
done, I think.
And I think that's a good solution.
Ah yes... I thought of that as well, but more time consuming and expensive,
since it's 1 human to 1 human. I also thought about a similar concept for people
who want to buy things with cash online. Go to one person with a credit card,
pay him in cash, and he buys you what you need.
I think this is probably illegal in the EU, since there are laws prohibiting
anonymous cash transactions for some amounts. But maybe not.
The phone service, cash service, and perhaps a p.o. box service would all be
part of my empire anonymous Inc! ;)
Jokes aside, sometimes I think such a business might exist best as an
underground business.
Post by Salvador MirzoPost by DPost by Salvador MirzoI think that's already more or less true in commerce. For instance,
I've been at times confronted with the situation that without using
Whatsapp, I could not get service.
During the pandemics, for example, so many people could not find a way
out of following protocols they did not want to follow and even taking
chemical substances they did not want to take. So many people I know
did not want to do it and did it anyway because it was a hassle
Oh that was a pain. My wife got vaccinated once against her will because of it.
I did not, and I spent many 100s of hours avoiding the unethical restrictions. I
printed my own corona vaccination qr codes for a while, until that didn't work,
I found a medical loop hole to allow me to travel without a mask, towards the
end, I copied other peoples foreign qr codes, which would get me into stores,
despite being unvaccinated, since the system in the stores only checked if the
qr was valid, and nothing else like last country of use, or matching it with id
I did the same. (It's amazing the kind of parallels we can find on the
USENET.) I'm happy to hear you managed it too. I did a COVID exam
every week, getting it negative 100% of the times, for an entire
semester and archived my exams with my employeer. I was very happy with
the alternative: I would not have taken any substance at all. I would
have gone to the last resort. I saw no point in taking in an unknown
substance so try to avoid an aggressive /cold/.
It is amazing! It was the 2 worst year of my life, and destryoed my trust in
democracy. I stopped voting after that.
I did one corona test and they almost damaged my nose by showing some stuff up
into my brain. Extremely painful, and I had an irritated nose for several days
after that. That's when I decided, no more tests for me.
But I found a company that did saliva-based tests, and I called a doctor who
watched me perform the saliva based tests on the phone, and eventually she was
so tired of the process that she said, what ever... write your own certificate,
slap my name and signature on it, and just email me if you travel so I know.
So for 1 years, that's what I did. =D
But towards the end they hooked up all testing facilities to some EU
surveillance register, so then it did not work anymore, but it was towards the
end, so I didn't have the energy to get connected to it, but if it would have
continued, I would have started my own corona clinic.
Post by Salvador MirzoPost by DPost by Salvador MirzoPost by DAs for children, no such thing for me, since biologically I have an
extremely low chance of having children. On the other hand, my parents
got the same diagnosis from the doctor, and they had me, and the
doctor said it was not possible according to science, so who knows? ;)
I am sorry for hearing the news, but I also feel that we should hope for
the best here. I think nobody should trust doctor's predictions. I
certainly don't know the reasons you might have low chance of having
children and let's remember this is a public forum. The subject does me
remind me of a conversation with epidemiologist Shanna Swan, which I
have been slowly rewatching again---it's a 2h conversation. The entire
conversation is very interesting. In this conversation, we can learn
that male fertility is decreasing by 1% *per year*.
Shanna Swan on male fertility (et cetera)
I've actually seen the video before, when my wife was the most crazy about our
problem. In my case, it is just a chance mutation that resulted in low quality
sperm. That's all. It is not impossible, but but very, very low probability of
fertilizing eggs.
I'm not a religious person in the traditional sense of the word, but
turns out I find myself one of the most religious person I've ever met
because patience, perseverance, lack of ambition and a certain mastery
of the art of listening seem pretty religious to me. For instance,
pretty much every religious person I know has at least one tattoo on
their skin. I think that's totally non-religious because a tattoo
effectively destroys (at least a bit) something natural that took a
zillion years to be prepared---to protect the person. I think that if
God speaks to us at all, it is done through the movement of nature.
Never been a fan of tattoos. But in my case it is a conservative upbringing
where tattoos where seen as low class. It is strange how things like that still
stick with you. On the other hand, it is permanent, and since I don't have
anything permanent to say, I don't really see why I should get a tattoo.
It was funny, at a consulting gig there was a woke witch, constantly harping on
how evil I was as a white man. She tattooed the logo of the company on her arm.
Then 6 months afte I quit the consulting gig, she kicked her out.
I laughed a lot! What goes around, comes around. I still wonder if she has that
tattoo? =D
Post by Salvador MirzoLol. I'm saying all of this to say that I would never believe that it's
really impossible for you to have kids. Life is full of adversities.
My idea is that we should work on them 'til the end---unconcerned with
the end result.
This is a very sound philosophy! I do feel perfectly at ease with either result,
child or no child, but I have told my wife that as long as she wants it, I
support us continuing trying. No matter the outcome, I'm fine with it. She is
not however, which does make me sad.
Post by Salvador MirzoEnd results imply a direction, a strategy.
We try to fix the bug in the software because we want to understand what
caused the bug and how it works. Not because we want the software to be
flawless. So we don't fret if we can't figure it out, but we always
work on it. We work directionless because we don't really mind not
getting to the end result. Anywhere we go is natural enough; it's
divine enough.
I think enjoying the process is very conducive to being able to perform the
activity for a long time. It's almost as if you describe some zen like state.